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Car rental from the perpetrator's third party liability insurance for free

Have you had a collision?
If your car was damaged and the collision was caused by another driver, you have the right to rent a replacement car at the expense of the perpetrator's insurance company.
JOLCAR Rent a Car offers a replacement car under the perpetrator's liability insurance and will take care of all formalities related to recovering funds from the perpetrator's liability insurance.

Rights and conditions for renting a replacement car
You are injured, the collision or accident was not your fault.
The damage will be covered by the third party liability insurance of the perpetrator of the collision or accident.
The police were called to the scene of the incident or you have a written statement from the perpetrator of the road collision.
Your car is used for commercial purposes (e.g. own business, transport).
Your car is used for private purposes (e.g. taking children to school, going to work, going to the doctor or hospital).

Documents that will be needed at the time of rental and its termination:
ID card,
proof of registration,
driving license.
details of the perpetrator of the accident (name, surname, details of the insurer of the perpetrator of the accident, his/her policy number and damage number)
police note or statement from the perpetrator

During loss adjustment, our company maintains constant contact with the injured parties in order to minimize the damage. We inform customers about the necessary documents that they will have to provide on the day the rental ends.

contact us
Renting a vehicle from the perpetrator's liability insurance, just like renting a car, is done in the same way, which is the most convenient for the customer:
by phone: +48 607 065 655, 32 25 27 266,
by e-mail:
